Winter vegetables!

  • Posted on
  • By Kirsten Toeset

Winter vegetables

A tasty winter meal with parsnip. A parsnip looks a bit like a carrot, but it's off-white in colour, or yellow. Don't ignore this tasty guy, chuck him in your shopping trolley! It has a slight aniseed flavour. Your little one will love it!

Winter vegetables.

A tasty winter meal with parsnip. A parsnip looks a bit like a carrot, but it's off-white in colour, or yellow. Don't ignore this tasty guy, chuck him in your shopping trolley! It has a slight aniseed flavour. Your little one will love it! You can use it instead of potatoes, in everything, really. You can make soup with it, put it in stews or in shepherd's pie. It will just give your dishes a little bit of a different flavour. And don't let the smell put you off. It smells similar to the morning nappy of your kid on any given Thursday. Never mind. Here is a yummy recipe. Your little one will fall in love with turnips!
Jamie O. loves them. We have been cooking this excellent one for years:
Pasta with turnip and pancetta.
450-500 gr tagliatelle; 12 slices pancetta (or bacon); 2 cloves of garlic, (peeled and) minced; 3 handfuls of Parmesan cheese, grated; 4 decent knobs of butter; 1 handful fresh rosemary, thyme or summer savoury; 2-4 parsnips (depends on the size, but more is better than less), peeled and finely sliced.

Melt half of the butter and fry the pancetta. At the same time, boil a pot of water for the pasta. Add the parsnip and the garlic to the pancetta. Then add the herbs. Fry/stew on low to medium heat while you boil the tagliatelle. The slices of parsnip should be cooked/soft. Add some water if needed. Drain the pasta, keeping a cup of the water for later. Mix the pasta with the contents of the frying pan. Mix in the cheese. Season with salt and pepper. If it's a little sticky, add some of the water from the pasta.
Because pasta will keep absorbing liquid after it's been cooked.

Just do it!